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Music Therapy & Nada Chikitsa (Use of Music as a Medical Care)

An artistic form of auditory communication incorporating instrumental or vocal tones in a structured and continuous manner used as a medical aid.Nada is a sacred music. The word ‘Nada’ comes from the Sanskrit word, ‘Nad’, which signifies sound, tone, vibration. It also means ‘flow’ and in this context would relate to the flow of consciousness. Nadam resonates to the sound of ‘Om’, which is the primordial energy. Nada is also believed to have originated from the two mystic bijaksharas – na and da, derived from breath (prana) and fire (agni) respectively.

It is a sound installation about listening. It is a journey from the external to the internal, from wordly to sacred sound experiences. Nada allows our inner being to be touched through the act of listening. It is a safe place where all sounds can be invited into open ears, where ears can be curious, where they can search and discover.

The Nadas (Tunes) are said to help treatment of patients with afflictions of physical and mental nature, in certain conditions.

Nada chikitsa is an exercise invoking a union with God, through sound or music.

Parama Poojya Sri Ganapati Sachchidananda Swamiji of Mysore, India ( himself a great Musician and a composer, has been conducting Spiritual Music Concerts for meditation and Healing (Nada Chikitsa) in India and many other countries in Europe, America and Caribbean Islands. Listening to His Healing and Meditation music in person or to his many recordings, is the melodical medicine prescribed by Sri Swamiji for all ailments and conditions ranging from Coma to Cancer and migraine to mental depression. This combined with other forms of medicine can accelerate one’s healing mechanism.

Before listening to Sri Swamiji’s music, close your eyes, take long breaths, sit comfortably after drinking water or soft drink. Please observe mood level. The music you are about to play will transform you from ill-feelings to love, disappointments and frustrations to thankfulness and anger and jealousy to compassion. To maintain Silence is important as you listen to the music. After actively listening to music, you need to be in silence and rest, preferably as in savasana (is a pose of total relaxation that relaxes and invigorates your body and mind).

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